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(недействительными) of no force or weight; not valid; weak; void; null

Spelling Word: invalid
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(разгневанный) feeling or showing extreme anger; enraged

Spelling Word: irate
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(радужные) exhibiting or giving out colors like those of rainbow; gleaming or shimmering with rainbow colors

Spelling Word: iridescent
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(непримиримых) incompatible; not able to be resolved

Spelling Word: irreconcilable
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(шутливый) given to joking; merry; humorous

Spelling Word: jocose
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(веселый) good-natured; marked by good cheer; cheerful and good-humored

Spelling Word: jovial
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(беспорядок) assemble without order or sense; confused multitude of things; chaos; mess; mixture

Spelling Word: jumble
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(копья) weapon, consisting of long handle and steel blade or head; spear carried by horsemen, often decorated with small flag

Spelling Word: lance
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(Limp) walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg; move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily

Spelling Word: limp
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(чердак) elevation; room or space under a roof and above ceiling of the uppermost story; floor placed above another

Spelling Word: loft