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(انوچتی) improper act; improper or unacceptable usage in speech or writing

Spelling Word: impropriety
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(impugn) dispute or contradict, often in insulting way; challenge

Spelling Word: impugn
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(نادانستہ طور پر) unintentionally; without knowledge or intention; carelessly

Spelling Word: inadvertently
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(افتتاح) start; initiate; induct into office by formal ceremony

Spelling Word: inaugurate
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(تاپدیپت) strikingly bright; shining with intense heat; emitting light as result of being heated

Spelling Word: incandescent
Read [Esc] (6)
(شامل) tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope

Spelling Word: inclusive
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(مہتوہین) insignificant; lacking importance; not following from premises or evidence; illogical

Spelling Word: inconsequential
Read [Esc] (8)
(شامل) combine something into a larger whole; unite

Spelling Word: incorporate
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(رچنا) charge; accuse formally of a crime

Spelling Word: indict
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(فلایا) exaggerated; pompous; enlarged with air or gas

Spelling Word: inflated