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(وڈمبنا) expression by deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; witty language used to insult

Spelling Word: irony
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(متضاد) not applicable; unrelated; having no connection with

Spelling Word: irrelevant
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(jinx) prejudiced; affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin; yellow or yellowish

Spelling Word: jaundiced
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(jocular) humorous, amusing or joking; sportive; not serious

Spelling Word: jocular
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(jollity jaded) gayness; splendor; cheerfulness or celebration

Spelling Word: jollity
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(فوجی حکمرانوں) group of men joined in political intrigue; group of military officers ruling a country

Spelling Word: junta
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(ٹیلا) small rounded hill or mound; top or crown of hill

Spelling Word: knoll
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(lachrymose) lacking purpose or zest; halfhearted; lacking spirit or liveliness

Spelling Word: lackadaisical
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(پس منظر) coming from side; situated at or extending to the side

Spelling Word: lateral
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(لیوی) impose fine or tax; collect payment

Spelling Word: levy