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(反话,讽刺) expression by deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; witty language used to insult

Spelling Word: irony
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(不相关的) not applicable; unrelated; having no connection with

Spelling Word: irrelevant
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(疲倦的,无精打采的) lacking energy or vitality; weak; sluggish; lacking spirit or liveliness

Spelling Word: languid
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(戏法,花招) show of skill or deceitful cleverness, considered magical by naive observers

Spelling Word: legerdemain
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(轻薄,轻浮) lack of seriousness; lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate

Spelling Word: levity
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(征收) impose fine or tax; collect payment

Spelling Word: levy
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(柔韧的,可塑的) capable of moving, bending, or contorting easily

Spelling Word: limber
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(血统) direct descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry

Spelling Word: lineage
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(高高在上的) high, tall, having great height; idealistic, implying over-optimism

Spelling Word: lofty
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(疯子,极蠢的) insane; mad; wildly or giddily foolish

Spelling Word: lunatic