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(贯彻,实现,用工具实现) put into effect; supply with tools

Spelling Word: implement
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(傻,粗心) silly; senseless; unconsciously foolish; void

Spelling Word: inane
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(开始,开幕,开幕式) start; initiate; induct into office by formal ceremony

Spelling Word: inaugurate
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(合并,联合) combine something into a larger whole; unite

Spelling Word: incorporate
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(不可救药) not correctable; difficult or impossible to control or manage

Spelling Word: incorrigible
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(增加) process of increasing in number, size, quantity, or extent

Spelling Word: increment
Read [Esc] (7)
(土产的,本地的) native; originating where it is found

Spelling Word: indigenous
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(不屈服的,不可被征服的) unconquerable; incapable of being overcome

Spelling Word: indomitable
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(不容置疑的,无疑的) unable to be doubted; unquestionable

Spelling Word: indubitable
Read [Esc] (10)
(无效的,弱的) insufficient to produce a desired effect; fruitless

Spelling Word: ineffectual