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(狂笑,哄笑) loud, rude burst of laughter; horse-laugh

Spelling Word: guffaw
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(漂亮的,英俊的) skillful; handy; agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance; attractive

Spelling Word: handsome
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(霸权,盟主权) domination, influence, or authority over another, especially by political group or nation over others

Spelling Word: hegemony
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(宣布重要消息,通报) proclaim; announces important news; messenger

Spelling Word: herald
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(吃粮食的(动物)) grain-eating; plant-eating; feeding only on plants

Spelling Word: herbivorous
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(储藏) stockpile; accumulate for future use

Spelling Word: hoard
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(卫生) cleanliness; sanitation

Spelling Word: hygiene
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(歇斯底里症,过度兴奋) behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic; mental disorder

Spelling Word: hysteria
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(鱼类学) branch of zoology that deals with study of fishes

Spelling Word: ichthyology
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(打破旧习) attacking cherished traditions; characterized by attack on established beliefs

Spelling Word: iconoclastic