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(想象的) existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real

Spelling Word: fictitious
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(偷) steal, especially in a small, sly way; take from another on a petty scale, as by violation of trust

Spelling Word: filch
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(才能) natural talent or aptitude

Spelling Word: flair
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(华丽的,红润的) reddish; elaborately or excessively ornamented

Spelling Word: florid
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(粗饲料,饲养) coarse food for cattle or horses

Spelling Word: fodder
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(不详的预感) expectation of misfortune; feeling of evil to come; unfavorable omen

Spelling Word: foreboding
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(争吵,混战) noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; disturbance

Spelling Word: fracas
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(基本的,基础的) relating to foundation or base; elementary; primary; essential

Spelling Word: fundamental
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(痛苦,烦恼,恼怒) bitterness of feeling; vexation

Spelling Word: gall
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(弃子抢先) chess move in which player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain advantageous position

Spelling Word: gambit