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(绳套,绞索(刑)) loop formed in a rope by means of a slipknot so that it binds tighter as the rope is pulled; trap

Spelling Word: noose
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(新奇) quality of being novel; newness; something new and unusual

Spelling Word: novelty
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(新手) beginner; person new to a field or activity

Spelling Word: novice
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((女孩)到婚嫁年龄的,吸引人的) of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable

Spelling Word: nubile
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(长期的冒险旅行) long, eventful journey; extended adventurous voyage or trip

Spelling Word: odyssey
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(攻击的,冒犯的) causing anger, displeasure, resentment, or affront

Spelling Word: offensive
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(嗅觉的) relating to, or contributing to sense of smell

Spelling Word: olfactory
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(负担,责任) burden or obligation; difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity

Spelling Word: onus
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(和平主义者) one opposed to force; antimilitarist

Spelling Word: pacifist
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(棕榈,棕榈叶,手掌,手心) inner surface of the hand between bases of fingers and wrist; tropical evergreen trees of the family Palmae

Spelling Word: palm