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 Group 14 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(沉思默想的,忧心忡忡的) deeply, often dreamily thoughtful; engaged in serious thought or reflection; contemplative

Spelling Word: pensive
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(一贫如洗,穷困潦倒) extreme poverty; lack of something; barrenness; insufficiency

Spelling Word: penury
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(毁灭) entire ruin; utter destruction, especially, utter loss of soul, or of final happiness in future

Spelling Word: perdition
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(打孔) pierce, punch, or bore hole or holes in; penetrate

Spelling Word: perforate
Read [Esc] (5)
(肤浅的,不投入的,漠不关心的) done routinely and with little interest or care; acting with indifference; showing little interest or care

Spelling Word: perfunctory
Read [Esc] (6)
(关键的) being of vital or central importance; crucial

Spelling Word: pivotal
Read [Esc] (7)
(过剩,过多) excess; over-fullness in any respect; superabundance

Spelling Word: plethora
Read [Esc] (8)
(预示) foretell; serve as an omen or a warning of; indicate by prediction

Spelling Word: portend
Read [Esc] (9)
(健壮的,肥胖的,魁梧的) inoffensive expression of fat; stout

Spelling Word: portly
Read [Esc] (10)
(装模作样的人,邯郸学步) person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant to impress others

Spelling Word: poseur