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(再発) falling back into a former state, especially becoming worse

Spelling Word: relapse
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(関連) pertinent; having connection with matter at hand

Spelling Word: relevant
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(レンダリング) deliver;give or make available; provide; represent in a drawing or painting

Spelling Word: render
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(静けさに夢中演出) translation, often interpretive; performance of a musical or dramatic work

Spelling Word: rendition
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(叱責) reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way; rebuke formally; censure severely or angrily

Spelling Word: reprimand
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(レクイエムは) mass for dead; song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as memorial

Spelling Word: requiem
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(付き添い) following members; attendants accompanying high-ranking person

Spelling Word: retinue
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(お祭り騒ぎ) merrymaking, especially, festivity or jollity

Spelling Word: revelry
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(なぞなぞ) pierce with numerous holes; perforate; permeate or spread throughout

Spelling Word: riddle
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(鶏) adult male chicken

Spelling Word: rooster