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 Group 17 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(熱) relating to outline or diagram; represented simply, as using symbols

Spelling Word: schematic
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(分裂) separation or division into factions; formal division or split within religious body

Spelling Word: schism
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(疾走) go with light running steps; move about or proceed hurriedly

Spelling Word: scurry
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(定住) requiring sitting; accustomed to sitting or to taking little exercise; living in one area, not migratory

Spelling Word: sedentary
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(まき網) large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top

Spelling Word: seine
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(手抜き) made of or containing inferior material; not genuine; of low rank; poor quality or craft

Spelling Word: shoddy
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(排除) avoid deliberately; keep away from

Spelling Word: shun
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(不吉な) suggesting or threatening evil

Spelling Word: sinister
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(滞在) temporary stay; brief period of residence; place of temporary stay

Spelling Word: sojourn
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(気配り) worried or concerned; full of desire; expressing care or concern

Spelling Word: solicitous