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(下流的,粗俗的, 下流话语的) obscene; indecent; expressing offensive reproach

Spelling Word: scurrilous
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(丑恶的,露出嘴脸的) sordid; morally degraded; squalid or corrupt

Spelling Word: seamy
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(老练的) experienced, especially in terms of a profession or a hobby; aged or processed

Spelling Word: seasoned
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(安静的,稳重的,低沉的) composed, and dignified in character or manner

Spelling Word: sedate
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(奴隶身份,苦工) forced labor imposed as a punishment for crime; lack of personal freedom

Spelling Word: servitude
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(严肃,严格,激烈) extreme rigor; strictness; rigidity; harshness

Spelling Word: severity
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(讼棍,政界的奸诈之徒) lawyer using questionable methods; unethical lawyer or politician

Spelling Word: shyster
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((使)光滑,光滑的,整洁的) having an even, smooth surface; smooth; not rough or harsh

Spelling Word: sleek
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(树懒,怠惰,懒惰) laziness; apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue; any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals

Spelling Word: sloth
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(自满的,自命不凡的) studiously neat or nice, especially in dress; spruce; affectedly or conceitedly smart; self-satisfied in any respect

Spelling Word: smug