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(节,段落(诗的),盘(棋的)) unit of poem, written or printed as a paragraph

Spelling Word: stanza
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(栅栏,围栏) a line of stout posts set firmly in contact with each other to form a barrier, or defensive fortification; enclosure, made with posts and stakes

Spelling Word: stockade
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(乏味的,单调的,冷漠的) dull; impassive; having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

Spelling Word: stolid
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(计谋,战略) deceptive scheme; military maneuver designed to deceive or surprise enemy

Spelling Word: stratagem
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(有计划的,故意的,有想法的) knowledgeable; resulting from deliberation and careful thought

Spelling Word: studied
Read [Esc] (6)
(庄严的,崇高的,壮观的) of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth; characterized by nobility; majestic

Spelling Word: sublime
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(多汁的) full of juicy; full of richness; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable

Spelling Word: succulent
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(柔顺的,顺从的,柔韧的) flexible; moving and bending with ease

Spelling Word: supple
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(饮食过度,恶心) eat until excessively full; be more than full; feed someone to excess

Spelling Word: surfeit
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(超越) be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed

Spelling Word: surpass