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 Group 19 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(谄媚的人,马屁精) person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; yes man

Spelling Word: toady
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(急流,洪水) rushing stream; flood; heavy downpour

Spelling Word: torrent
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(过渡,转换,跃迁) going from one state of action to another

Spelling Word: transition
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(半透明的) partly transparent; transmitting rays of light without permitting objects to be distinctly seen

Spelling Word: translucent
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(改变) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform

Spelling Word: transmute
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(论文) systematic, usually extensive written discourse on a subject

Spelling Word: treatise
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(截去尖端) cut the top off; make shorter as if by cutting off

Spelling Word: truncate
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(无责任的,无法解释的) inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious

Spelling Word: unaccountable
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(假情假义的,假殷勤的,油质的) oily; composed of oil or fat; characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness

Spelling Word: unctuous
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(无家可归的人) person without home or job; bird found outside its species' usual range

Spelling Word: vagrant