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(给予) give as gift; present

Spelling Word: bestow
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(丑角,缺乏教养之人) one who makes a practice of amusing others by low tricks, antic gestures; droll; mimic; clown

Spelling Word: buffoon
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(欺负,威协) noisy, blustering fellow; one who is threatening and quarrelsome; insolent, tyrannical fellow

Spelling Word: bully
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(官僚机构) over-regulated administrative system

Spelling Word: bureaucracy
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(发芽,成长) grow forth; send out buds; grow or develop rapidly

Spelling Word: burgeon
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(内阁) small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

Spelling Word: cabal
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(硬心肠的,无情的) emotionally hardened; unfeeling; toughened

Spelling Word: callous
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(溃疡,弊害) corroding or sloughing ulcer; anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroy; disease incident to trees, causing the bark to rot and fall off

Spelling Word: canker
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(谨慎的,节约的) having pleasing or useful qualities; gentle; knowing; cautious; cunning; shrewd

Spelling Word: canny
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((蟹或龟的)甲壳) hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles

Spelling Word: carapace