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(小礼拜堂) place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church; service conducted in a chapel

Spelling Word: chapel
Read [Esc] (2)
(迂回的) being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; going round in a circuit; not direct

Spelling Word: circuitous
Read [Esc] (3)
(智取,包围) surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; beat by cleverness and wit

Spelling Word: circumvent
Read [Esc] (4)
(大本营) fortress; fortified place which people could go for shelter during battle

Spelling Word: citadel
Read [Esc] (5)
(平民的,市民的,民事的,非军事的,国内的,文明的) having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite

Spelling Word: civil
Read [Esc] (6)
((用手)敲,猛击,打) blow, especially with fist; great influence, especially political or social

Spelling Word: clout
Read [Esc] (7)
(伙伴,同盟,集合) partnership; league; state of being combined into one body

Spelling Word: coalition
Read [Esc] (8)
(威逼,强迫) use of force to get someone to obey

Spelling Word: coercion
Read [Esc] (9)
(内聚力,黏度) tendency to keep together

Spelling Word: cohesion
Read [Esc] (10)
(补偿) serving to compensate or as compensation; making amends; repaying

Spelling Word: compensatory