IELTS Speaking Part 2/3: Questions And Answers

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 By Jiabao Hors

IELTS Speaking Part 2/3: Questions And Answers

IELTS Speaking Part 2 is a monologue that lasts less than two minutes. A candidate has one extra minute to prepare. Usually, IELTS Speaking Part 2 lasts three to four minutes. The speech is based on a given test card; a candidate can write down notes or critical points when preparing and then talk about the topic for one or two minutes as a final answer.

Here are some common questions among test cards:
  • Describe a book, story, or movie which has impacted you very much.
  • Describe a person you would like to meet with or talk to, and explain why you chose this person.
  • Describe a difficult time in your life, your solution, and what you learned.
  • Describe a place that is special for you and explain your reason.
IELTS Speaking Part 2 isn't a real discussion. After getting the topic card from an examiner, you prepare and then speak alone; the examiner won't interrupt your speaking. Unlike Part 1 and Part 3 that the examiner guides, Part 2 is by the candidate.

Because you can completely control the monologue, Part 2 would be an excellent opportunity to score up if you happen to prepare the topic in advance. Like Part 1, Part 2 is also fundamental to get a basic mark, e.g., 4-5. To get a better score, you must present an excellent speech to let the examiner believe that difficult questions deserve to be offered in Part 3.

IELTS speaking part 3 is a two-way discussion of 4-5 minutes, following the topic of Part 2. It is driven by an examiner who prompts questions depending on your performance in preceding Part 1 and Part 2. The more questions to be asked, the better chance to get a high score.

To help familiarize and prepare for the IELTS speaking questions of Parts 2 and 3, we matched some sample questions for Part 2 and Part 3. Each pair has the same topic: Part 2 is the essential, and Part 3 is its extending questions.

IELTS speaking topics aren't random. Questions usually revolve around some common or easy topics for test takers. We collect recent topics in the IELTS Speaking Topics section to study and prepare.

IELTS Speaking Test and Topics

We also maintain a list to organize and show questions by date.

IELTS Speaking Questions

Here, we provide a new sample topic with questions and answers to show what IELTS speaking Part 2 and Part 3 look like.

Describe A Picture Or Photograph Of You That You Like.
Part 2
Where it was taken/drawn
One of my favorite photographs was taken last summer at Yavapai Point on the ...
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When it was taken/drawn
Early Last year, a group of my best friends planned to go to Grand Canyon ...
Show FullSpeak it
Who took/drew it
My best friend took this photograph while we were on a trip together. We had ...
Show FullSpeak it
Explain how you felt about it.
When I look at this photograph, I remember the tranquility and excitement I ...
Show FullSpeak it

Part 3
1. Why do people take photos?
People take photos to capture and preserve special moments, experiences, and ...
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2. What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?
These days, most people use their smartphones to take photos. Phones are ...
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3. Is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos?
Learning to take good photos can be challenging at first, but it's not too ...
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4. How do people keep their photos?
People keep their photos in various ways. Many store them digitally on ...
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More IELTS speaking Part 2/3 topics and their questions and answers.

Speaking Quiz Describe A Picture Or Photograph Of You That You Like. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Were Stuck In A Traffic Jam 
Speaking Quiz Describe One Area Of Science (medicine, physics, etc.) That Interests You 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Rule That You Do Not Like 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Old Person You Know Who Has Had An Interesting Life 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Interesting Conversation You Had With Your Friend 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Solved A Problem In A Smart Way 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Cafe You Like To Visit 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time You Moved To A New Home Or School 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Argument Two Of Your Friends Had 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Puzzle You Have Played 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Live Sports Match That You Watched 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When Your Computer Broke Down 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Company Where You Live That Employs A Lot Of People 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Law On Environmental Protection 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Piece Of Equipment That Is Important In Your Home 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Tried To Do Something, But It Was Not Very Successful 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone You Really Like To Spend Time With 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Prize You Have Received Recently (e.g., Money, Something Valuable, A Medal) 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Forgot Something Important 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Special Cake You Received From Others 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Gift You Would Like To Buy For Your Friend 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Job One Of Your Grandparents Did 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Competition You Would Like To Participate In 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Energetic Person That You Know 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Foreign Country You Would Like To Go To In The Future 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Product You Bought But Returned At The End 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Situation In Your Vehicle That Broke Down During Your Travel 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Friend You Like To Talk With 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Received Good Service In A Store 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Indoor Or Outdoor Place Where It Is Easy For You To Study 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Subject That You Would Like To Learn In The Future 
Speaking Quiz Describe A City That You Think Is Very Interesting 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time That You Showed Something New To Others 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something That Made You Feel Confident At Your Work Or Study 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Answered A Phone Call From Someone You Did Not Know In A Public Place 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Important River Or Lake In Your Country 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Old Friend You Had Lost Touch With And Got In Contact With Again 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Cultural Place (e.g., a library, museum, theatre) 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Type Of Favorite Food That You Ate At Special Events 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place In Your City You Have Been To Where You Can See Wildlife (e.g., animals, birds, insects, plants) 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Project That You Have Worked On Recently 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Film Character Played By Your Favorite Actor 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Ideal And Perfect Place Where You Would Like To Stay (e.g. a house, an apartment) 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person From Whom Others Like To Ask For Advice 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion That You Lost Something In A Public Place 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Crowded Place You Went To 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Helped A Family Member Or Relative With Something. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Movie You Watched And Enjoyed Recently 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person You Know Who Is Talented 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Online Video Where You Learned Something New 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Always Has Strong Opinions. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Likes To Make Things By Hand (e.g., toys, furniture). 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Likes To Read A Lot. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Has Chosen A Career In The Medical Field (e.g., a doctor or a nurse). 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Natural Place Such As Parks Or Mountains. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Enjoyable Journey By Public Transport. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Small Store Where You Often Buy Things. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who You Are Happy To Know. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Kind Of Foreign Food You Have Had. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Child That You Know. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place You Have Been To Where Things Are Expensive 
Speaking Quiz Describe Your Favorite Climate 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Special Meal That Someone Made For You. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place Where You Have Taken Photos More Than Once. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Thinks Music Is Important And Enjoys Music. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something You Own That You Want To Replace 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Tourist Attraction That Very Few People Visit But That You Think Is Interesting. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods At Low Prices 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Encouraged You To Achieve Your Goal. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Important Plant In Your Country. 
Speaking Quiz Describe a Car You Would Like To Buy In The Future. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone (A Famous Person) Who Is A Role Model For Young People. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A New Law You Would Like To Introduce In Your Country 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Important Achievement You Have Made 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Unusual Holiday Or Vacation You Had 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Uniform You Wear (e.g., at school, at work). 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Public Facility (e.g., A Museum, A Library) That Has Been Renovated And Improved. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place Where You Can Relax. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Picked Up An Item That Someone Else Lost. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant Or Shop 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Has Interesting Ideas Or Opinions 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Rule That Is Important In Your School Or At Work. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Solve A Problem By Using A Computer. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Photo That Makes You Happy 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Party You Enjoyed 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Period That Changed Your Life 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Successful Business Person You Admire 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Foreigner Who Can Speak Your Language Well 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Famous Athlete You Admire 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Activity That Made You Feel Tired 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time You Bought Something From A Street Market 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Skill That You Learned When You Were A Teenager 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person You Know Who Likes To Talk A Lot 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Useful Object In Your Home That You Cannot Live Without 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Long-Term Goal You Would Like To Achieve 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Had To Do Something In A Hurry. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When Someone Did Quite Well In A Team (e.g., school, work, or a community). 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Heard Someone Complain About Something In A Restaurant Or Other Business. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Were Very Busy 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Interesting Conversation You Had With An Old Person. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Activity You Enjoyed Most In Your Primary School. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something You Do Regularly To Help You Work Or Study. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When People Near You Made A Lot Of Noise 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Travel You Were Looking Forward To But Was Delayed. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Job You Don't Want To Do In The Future. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An outdoor Activity You Did In A New Place Recently 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Used A Paper Map 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Movie/Film That You Felt Strongly About. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who Is Good At Making People Feel Welcome In His/Her Home. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Another City You Would Like To Stay In For A Short Time. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person You Know Who Likes To Cook For Others 
Speaking Quiz Describe Your Favorite Childhood Friend 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Painting You Enjoy Watching 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Story Someone Told You And You Remember 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Difficult Thing You Did 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Thing You Did To Learn Another Language 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Difficult Decision You Once Made 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone You Know Who Often Helps Others 
Speaking Quiz Describe A New Shop That Recently Opened In Your City/town 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Piece Of Clothing You Wear Most Often 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Talked To A Group Of People 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Spent Time With A Young Child 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone You Know Who Has Recently Moved To A New Place 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Got Incorrect Information 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place You Went To Where There Are A Lot Of People 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Job You Are Interested In 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Game You Played In Your Childhood 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Occasion When You Lost Your Way 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Saved Money To Buy An Expensive Gift For Others. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Exciting Adventure You Would Like To Go On 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Popular Person 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone Who Moved To Your Community And Brought Positive Influence 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Received Money On Your Birthday 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Complaint That You Made And You Were Satisfied With The Result 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Water Sport You Want To Learn In The Future. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place In The Countryside That You Visited 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Long Car Journey You Went On. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Invention That Is Useful In Your Daily Life. 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Interesting Neighbor 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Forgot/missed An Appointment 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Popular Place For Sports (e.g. stadium) 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Experience Of Online Shopping 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Object That You Think Is Beautiful 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person You Know Who Loves To Grow Plants (e.g., vegetables/fruits/flowers, etc.) 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Fashionable Person 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person You Know Who Is From A Different Culture 
Speaking Quiz Describe The First Day At School That You Remember. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person You Have Met Who You Want To Work/study With 
Speaking Quiz Describe Your Favorite Place In Your House Where You Can Relax 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Noisy Place You Have Been To 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Missed Or Were Late For A Meeting 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Technological Product You Own That You Feel Is Difficult To Use. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something You Would Like To Learn In The Future 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Piece Of Good News That You Heard About Someone You Know Well 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Time When You Had An Argument With A Friend 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Unforgettable Meal You Had 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Activity You Enjoyed In Your Free Time When You Were Young 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Historical Period You Would Like To Know More About 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Daily Routine That You Enjoy 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Place You Visited Where The Air Was Polluted 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Website You Often Visit 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Advertisement You Do Not Like 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Course That Impressed You A Lot 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Item Of Clothing That Someone Gave You 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something You Cannot Live Without (not a computer/phone). 
Speaking Quiz Describe Someone You Like To Spend Time With. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something You Do To Keep Fit And Healthy 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Special Day Out That Cost You Little Money 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Positive Change That You Made In Your Life 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something That Helps You To Concentrate On Study Or Work 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Invention That Has Positively Changed The World. 
Speaking Quiz Describe Something That Was Broken In Your Home And Then Repaired 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Happy Event You Organized 
Speaking Quiz Describe An Ambition That You Haven Not Achieved 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Person Who You Follow On Social Media. 
Speaking Quiz Describe A Family Member You Want To Work With In The Future 
From the List of IELTS Speaking Topics, you can view 182 topics and their questions and sample answers.