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/ɪk'sklu:d/ v.
(एक्सेल बाहर) leave out of; keep out of; reject

Spelling Word: exclude
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/ɛk'splɔɪt/ v.
(शोषण) make use of, sometimes unjustly

Spelling Word: exploit
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/ɛk'stɜrn(ə)l/ a. Syn. exterior; outer
(बाहरी) exterior; outer; suitable for application to the outside

Spelling Word: external
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/fʌndə'mɛnt(ə)l/ a. Syn. primary; essential
(मौलिक) relating to foundation or base; elementary; primary; essential

Spelling Word: fundamental
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/dʒɛnə'reɪʃ(ə)n/ n.
(पीढ़ी) all offspring at same stage from common ancestor; interval of time between the birth of parents and their offspring

Spelling Word: generation
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/gloʊb/ n.
(उदास) body with the shape of a sphere, especially a representation of the earth in the form of a hollow ball

Spelling Word: globe
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/aɪ'dɛntɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. detect; spot; find out; discover
(पहचान) detect; find out; discover

Spelling Word: identify
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/'ɪləstreɪt/ v. Syn. represent; demonstrate; depict
(वर्णन) represent; demonstrate; depict; clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons

Spelling Word: illustrate
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/'ɪmɪdʒ/ n. Syn. picture; figure
(छवि) visual representation; representation of a person

Spelling Word: image
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/ɪn'sɛntɪv/ n. Syn. spur; motive
(प्रोत्साहन) something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward

Spelling Word: incentive