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/'lɛvɪ/ v. Syn. impose; collect
(लेवी प्रशंसा) impose fine or tax; collect payment

Spelling Word: levy
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/'mɑrdʒɪn/ n. Syn. border; rim; room
(हाशिए) border; rim; room

Spelling Word: margin
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/'mi:dɪəm/ n.
(माध्यम) state that is intermediate between extremes

Spelling Word: medium
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/'mɛnt(ə)l/ a.
(मानसिक) involving mind or intellectual process; affected by disorder of mind

Spelling Word: mental
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/'mɪlɪtərɪ/;/-tɛrɪ/ a. Syn. soldiery; militia
(सैन्य) pertaining to soldiers, to arms, or to war; of whole body of soldiers

Spelling Word: military
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/'nju:tr(ə)l/;/nu:-/ a. Syn. impartial
(तटस्थ) impartial; not supporting one side over another

Spelling Word: neutral
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/nʌnðə'lɛs/ ad.
(फिर भी) anyway; however

Spelling Word: nonetheless
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/nɔ:m/ n. Syn. convention; standard; rule
(आदर्श) convention; standard; rule

Spelling Word: norm
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/nɒtwɪð'stændɪŋ/ ad.
(बावजूद) nevertheless; in spite of; despite anything to the contrary

Spelling Word: notwithstanding
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/oʊvər'ɔ:l/ a. Syn. general; comprehensive
(समस्त) general; comprehensive; from one end to the other; including everything

Spelling Word: overall