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  Academic Words Level 5 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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n. [冥想,發呆,白日夢] daydream; state of abstracted musing; absent-minded dreaming while awake

Spelling Word: reverie
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n. [藍寶石] a precious transparent stone of rich blue corundum valued as a gemstone

Spelling Word: sapphire
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n. [螺絲起子] a hand tool for driving screws

Spelling Word: screwdriver
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v. [篩,過濾] separate with a sieve, as the fine part of a substance from the course; examine critically or minutely; scrutinize

Spelling Word: sift
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a. [旋轉的] rapidly rotating on an axis; whirling; circling

Spelling Word: spinning
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a. [各式各樣,各種的] various; miscellaneous; separate; distinct; diverse

Spelling Word: sundry
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n. [豬] any animal of the hog kind, especially one of the domestic species; pig

Spelling Word: swine
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n. [電傳,電傳的文字,發電傳] communications system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals

Spelling Word: telex
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n. [垃圾,廢物] garbage; rubbish; worthless or discarded material or objects

Spelling Word: trash
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a. [完整的,持續的] continuous, without interruption; intact

Spelling Word: unbroken