PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (T) - Matching Quizzes |
(शिक्षक) guide; give individual instruction | |
(भीड़) large group of people gathered or crowded closely together | |
(आंधी) tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific; violent whirlwind | |
(टेलेक्स) communications system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals |
(शिक्षक) guide; give individual instruction | |
(दृढ़) sticking together; stubbornly unyielding; holding together firmly | |
(थर्मोस्टेट) device, as in a home heating system, a refrigerator, or an air conditioner, that automatically responds to temperature changes | |
(प्रसारण) act of transmitting; automotive assembly of gears; sending of a signal |
(प्रवृत्ति) trend; a general direction in which something tends to move | |
(टेलेक्स) communications system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals | |
(समाप्त) stop; bring to an end or halt | |
(बेराग) having no tone; unmusical. |
(बवंडर) cyclone; localized and violently destructive windstorm | |
(गद्दार) one who violates his allegiance and betrays his country | |
(ठीक है) capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either physically or mentally. | |
(पिघलना) melt, such as snow and ice; defrost; warm weather following a freeze |
(पथ) expanse of land or water; system of organs that perform a specialized function; leaflet or pamphlet | |
(अत्याचारी) dictatorial; domineering; authoritarian | |
(ठीक है) capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either physically or mentally. | |
(लक्षण) quality; attribute; distinguishing feature; slight degree or amount |
(बेराग) having no tone; unmusical. | |
(टार) sailor or seaman; thick, black, viscous liquid obtained by the distillation of wood, coal | |
(ट्यूमर) tumor; abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells | |
(trifle) a thing of very little value or importance |
(पिघलना) melt, such as snow and ice; defrost; warm weather following a freeze | |
(पथ) expanse of land or water; system of organs that perform a specialized function; leaflet or pamphlet | |
(टो) draw or pull behind by a chain or line | |
(जगमगाहट) open and shut the eye rapidly; blink; wink |
(टो) draw or pull behind by a chain or line | |
(यात्रा) travel; journey or leg of a journey, especially when slow or difficult | |
(गति) beat or speed of music; rate or rhythm of activity; pace | |
(पारदर्शी) easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely |
(यात्रा) travel; journey or leg of a journey, especially when slow or difficult | |
(टेलेक्स) communications system consisting of teletypewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals | |
(दृढ़) sticking together; stubbornly unyielding; holding together firmly | |
(trifle) a thing of very little value or importance |
(क्षेत्रीय) pertaining to territory or land; limited to a certain district | |
(प्रतिलेख) reproduction of a written record as a legal or school record | |
(खाई) canal; deep furrow or ditch; long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor | |
(किरायेदारी) possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or other property under a lease; temporary possession of what belongs to another |