PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (T) - Matching Quizzes |
(可触摸的,真实的) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable | |
(倾向,趋势) popular taste; general direction in which something tends to move | |
(领土的) pertaining to territory or land; limited to a certain district | |
(比赛,锦标赛) contest; sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner |
((达到目的)手段,战术) plan for attaining a particular goal; action calculated to achieve some end | |
(租赁,租用,租赁期限) possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or other property under a lease; temporary possession of what belongs to another | |
(被纠缠,缠结,乱成一团) uniting or knitting together confusedly; knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged | |
(可信赖的) dependable; reliable |
(辅导,当家庭教师) guide; give individual instruction | |
(节奏,乐曲的速度) beat or speed of music; rate or rhythm of activity; pace | |
(晦暗,污点) make dirty or spotty; stain; dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt | |
(剧团) organization of performers and associated personnel |
(细枝,嫩枝) small branch or division of a branch | |
(租赁,租用,租赁期限) possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or other property under a lease; temporary possession of what belongs to another | |
(整洁的,有条不紊的) being in proper time; timely; arranged in good order; orderly; appropriate; neat; kept in proper | |
(领土的) pertaining to territory or land; limited to a certain district |
(细枝,嫩枝) small branch or division of a branch | |
(旅行,旅游,观光) practice of traveling for pleasure; business of providing tours and services for tourists | |
(辛苦,辛勤劳作) exhausting labor or effort; any thread, web, or string spread for taking prey | |
(试探性的,尝试的,暂时的) hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive |
(可触摸的,真实的) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable | |
(剧团) organization of performers and associated personnel | |
(领土的) pertaining to territory or land; limited to a certain district | |
(宁静,安静) a state of peace and quiet |
(聚集) large group of people gathered or crowded closely together | |
(令人厌倦的) tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly | |
(超出,超越) surpass; exceed; pass beyond the limits of | |
(细枝,嫩枝) small branch or division of a branch |
(令人厌倦的) tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly | |
(整洁的,有条不紊的) being in proper time; timely; arranged in good order; orderly; appropriate; neat; kept in proper | |
(可触摸的,真实的) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable | |
(牵引) friction between body and surface on which it moves |
((达到目的)手段,战术) plan for attaining a particular goal; action calculated to achieve some end | |
(地域,小册子) expanse of land or water; system of organs that perform a specialized function; leaflet or pamphlet | |
(辛苦,辛勤劳作) exhausting labor or effort; any thread, web, or string spread for taking prey | |
(渴,口渴,渴望,热望) sensation of dryness in the throat |
(翻过去,翻倒,销售量,人员更新) act or result of turning over; upset; amount of money turned over or drawn in a business in a specified time; amount of people replaced in a business | |
(超越,超过) pass over or beyond; surpass | |
(可触摸的,真实的) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable | |
(顽强的) sticking together; stubbornly unyielding; holding together firmly |