PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (U V W Y Z) - Matching Quizzes |
(下線) mark a line below, as words; underscore. | |
(渦) act of rotating or revolving rapidly; state of confusion; tumult | |
(ベンチャー) put at risk; adventure | |
(振動才能) shake, quiver; move or swing from side to side regularly |
(変化) change aspect of; alter in form, appearance, substance, position; make different by a partial change; modify | |
(不安) sleeplessness; uneasiness; state of trouble, confusion and turbulence, especially in a political context | |
(ワゴン) four-wheeled, usually horse-drawn vehicle; wagon | |
(換気) freshen; circulate through and freshen |
(空) void of thought or knowledge; without an occupant or incumbent | |
(枯れ) shrivel; decay; lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; loss of moisture | |
(様々) diversity; quality or condition of being various or varied | |
(泣き) grieve or protest loudly and bitterly; express sorrow by a mournful vocal sound; moan; cry |
(振るう) handle with skill; exercise effectively; have power over; rule or manage | |
(換気) freshen; circulate through and freshen | |
(妥当性) quality of having legal force or effectiveness | |
(侵襲) tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence |
(変化) change aspect of; alter in form, appearance, substance, position; make different by a partial change; modify | |
(枯れ) shrivel; decay; lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; loss of moisture | |
(溶接) unite closely or intimately; join together by heating | |
(一方) while on the contrary; while at the same time |
(無条件) made without condition; absolute; unreserved | |
(振動才能) shake, quiver; move or swing from side to side regularly | |
(換気) freshen; circulate through and freshen | |
(一方) while on the contrary; while at the same time |
(換気) freshen; circulate through and freshen | |
(侵襲) tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence | |
(付近) state of being near in space or relationship; proximity | |
(不安) sleeplessness; uneasiness; state of trouble, confusion and turbulence, especially in a political context |
(換気) freshen; circulate through and freshen | |
(悲惨) very miserable; sunk in, or accompanied by deep affliction or distress; calamitous; woeful; worthless | |
(撤回) remove from; pull back; break from gathering; retreat; depart | |
(賭け) something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; bet; stake |
(活用) make useful; find a practical use for; utilize | |
(衰退) decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end | |
(尊敬) treat with great respect and deference; consider hallowed or be in awe of | |
(ながら) while; at the same time |
(溶接) unite closely or intimately; join together by heating | |
(逆) used to state what you have just said is also true in the opposite order | |
(卸売) selling or related to selling goods in large quantities; large-scale; on a large scale without careful discrimination | |
(ユーティリティ) something useful; public service |