PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (T) - Matching Quizzes |
(地形) piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential; area of land; ground | |
(トランセンド) surpass; exceed; pass beyond the limits of | |
(転送) act of transmitting; automotive assembly of gears; sending of a signal | |
(暗黙) indicated or understood without expressed directly; not speaking; silent |
(怖がら) frighten; fill with terror | |
(テープ才能タール) sailor or seaman; thick, black, viscous liquid obtained by the distillation of wood, coal | |
(停止) hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive | |
(トレンチ) canal; deep furrow or ditch; long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor |
(遷移) going from one state of action to another | |
(停止) hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive | |
(喉の渇き) sensation of dryness in the throat | |
(テンポ) beat or speed of music; rate or rhythm of activity; pace |
(太もも) part of the leg between the hip and the knee | |
(腫瘍) tumor; abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells | |
(地形) piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential; area of land; ground | |
(停止) hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive |
(侵入) unlawfully enter boundaries of some else's property; commit an offense or a sin | |
(トランセンド) surpass; exceed; pass beyond the limits of | |
(サーモスタット) device, as in a home heating system, a refrigerator, or an air conditioner, that automatically responds to temperature changes | |
(遷移) going from one state of action to another |
(シソーラス) book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms | |
(論文) paper; dissertation; an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument | |
(腫瘍) tumor; abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells | |
(太もも) part of the leg between the hip and the knee |
(停止) hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive | |
(よちよち) walk with short, tottering steps, as a child. | |
(論文) paper; dissertation; an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument | |
(傾向) trend; a general direction in which something tends to move |
(よちよち) walk with short, tottering steps, as a child. | |
(暗黙) indicated or understood without expressed directly; not speaking; silent | |
(きい) entrance; starting point for a new state or experience | |
(トランセンド) surpass; exceed; pass beyond the limits of |
(潮) periodic rise and fall of the sea level | |
(トリム) clip; cut down to the desired size or shape | |
(侵入) unlawfully enter boundaries of some else's property; commit an offense or a sin | |
(論文) paper; dissertation; an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument |
(チルト) slight but noticeable partiality; line or surface that departs from the vertical | |
(テクスチャ) rough surface quality; structure of interwoven fibers or other elements; feel of a surface or a fabric | |
(きい) entrance; starting point for a new state or experience | |
(劇団) organization of performers and associated personnel |