PTE for Academic Words | Introduction |
Group (N O) - Matching Quizzes |
(후보) appointee; candidate | |
(수치) belonging to number; denoting number; consisting in numbers; expressed by numbers, and not letters | |
(절약) threatening; foreshadowing evil or tragic developments | |
(출산) of one's birth; accompanying or dating from one's birth; native |
(부정) act of denying; assertion of the nonrealistic or untruthfulness of anything | |
(출산) of one's birth; accompanying or dating from one's birth; native | |
(항해) relating to ships, sailors, or navigation | |
(전망대) place or building for making observations on the heavenly bodies; building fitted with instruments for making systematic observations of space |
(부정) act of denying; assertion of the nonrealistic or untruthfulness of anything | |
(할거) make necessary or indispensable; render unavoidable | |
(그럼에도 불구하고) anyway; however | |
(뉘앙스) subtle or slight degree of difference; small difference in meaning |
(만족) an opening or aperture; recess; introductory section or part, as of a poem | |
(뉘앙스) subtle or slight degree of difference; small difference in meaning | |
(애매한) darken; make dim or indistinct; conceal in obscurity | |
(무시할) so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may be easily disregarded |
(방관자) one that looks on; spectator | |
(쌍) supervise; manage; watch over and direct; examine or inspect | |
(중립) make neutral and thus inoffensive | |
(전망대) place or building for making observations on the heavenly bodies; building fitted with instruments for making systematic observations of space |
(과시) making ambitious display; unnecessary show; pretentious parade | |
(전무) nothing; of no account; worthless; zero | |
(수치) belonging to number; denoting number; consisting in numbers; expressed by numbers, and not letters | |
(옵션) not obligatory; left to choice; not compulsory or automatic |
(팜플렛) defeat; cover completely or make imperceptible; overcome by superior force ; charge someone with too many tasks | |
(후보) appointee; candidate | |
(항해) wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through; able to be steered | |
(전무) nothing; of no account; worthless; zero |
(오케스트라) band | |
(주목할) worthy of note or notice; remarkable; important | |
(구하는) get hold of; gain possession of; acquire, in any way | |
(outskirt가) part or region remote from a central district, as of a city or town; fringe; outer border |
(초기) beginning; start; origin; time at which something is supposed to begin | |
(표기법) technical system of symbols used to represent special things; comment or instruction | |
(널) invalid; void; nullified; having no legal force; invalid | |
(뉘앙스) subtle or slight degree of difference; small difference in meaning |
(에도 불구하고) nevertheless; in spite of; despite anything to the contrary | |
(수치) belonging to number; denoting number; consisting in numbers; expressed by numbers, and not letters | |
(노를) long, thin, usually wooden pole with a blade at one end, used to row or steer a boat | |
(전망대) place or building for making observations on the heavenly bodies; building fitted with instruments for making systematic observations of space |