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a. Syn. torn; worn
(자릴) torn; worn; having an irregular surface or edge; uneven or jagged in outline

Spelling Word: ragged
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n. Syn. rate; proportion
(비) relation which one quantity or magnitude has to another of the same kind; rate; proportion

Spelling Word: ratio
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ad. Syn. easily; quickly; promptly
(즉시) easily; quickly; in a prompt, timely manner; promptly

Spelling Word: readily
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v. Syn. reprocess
(릴) reprocess; use again after processing

Spelling Word: recycle
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a. Syn. superfluous; repetitious
(중복) exceeding what is necessary or natural; repetitious; excessively wordy

Spelling Word: redundant
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(난민) activity that refreshes and recreates; snacks and drinks served as a light meal

Spelling Word: refreshment
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(등록) one who registers; a recorder; a keeper of records

Spelling Word: registrar
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(릴레이) act of passing something along from one person, group, or station to another

Spelling Word: relay
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a. Syn. unwilling; averse
(꺼려) not wanting to take some action; averse

Spelling Word: reluctant
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n. Syn. remainder; relic
(잔여) remainder; small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

Spelling Word: remnant