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v. Syn. paralyze
(마비) make unable to move or act; impair the progress or functioning of

Spelling Word: paralyse
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a. Syn. special; characteristic
(특이한) special; characteristic; unusual; odd; bizarre

Spelling Word: peculiar
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v. Syn. sense; detect
(인식) become aware of through the senses; detect

Spelling Word: perceive
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(부패하기 쉬운) liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay

Spelling Word: perishable
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a. Syn. vertical; upright
(수직) vertical; upright; intersecting at or forming right angles; extremely steep

Spelling Word: perpendicular
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n. Syn. gloominess
(비관) belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess

Spelling Word: pessimism
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n. Syn. aversion
(공포증) anxiety disorder by extreme and irrational fear; dislike

Spelling Word: phobia
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a. Syn. mournful; melancholy
(슬픈듯한) expressing sorrow ;mournful or melancholy; sad

Spelling Word: plaintive
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n. Syn. farm
(농장) farm; an area under cultivation; a group of cultivated trees or plants

Spelling Word: plantation
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a. Syn. permeable
(다공성) full of pores; able to absorb fluids; full of tiny pores that allow fluids or gasses to pass through

Spelling Word: porous