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(निपटने) apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; stopping an opposing player carrying the ball

Spelling Word: tackle
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v. Syn. discoloration; stain
(धूमिल) make dirty or spotty; stain; dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt

Spelling Word: tarnish
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n. Syn. rate; pace
(गति) beat or speed of music; rate or rhythm of activity; pace

Spelling Word: tempo
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(मूंछ) a more or less elongated process or organ, simple or branched, proceeding from the head or cephalic region of invertebrate animals, being either an organ of sense or motion

Spelling Word: tentacle
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v. Syn. melt; defrost
(पिघलना) melt, such as snow and ice; defrost; warm weather following a freeze

Spelling Word: thaw
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n. Syn. current
(ज्वार) periodic rise and fall of the sea level

Spelling Word: tide
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(पर्यटन) practice of traveling for pleasure; business of providing tours and services for tourists

Spelling Word: tourism
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(कर्षण) friction between body and surface on which it moves

Spelling Word: traction
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(तिहरा) make threefold or triple; play or sing the highest part or most acute sounds

Spelling Word: treble
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n. Syn. ditch; canal
(खाई) canal; deep furrow or ditch; long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor

Spelling Word: trench