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ad. Syn. unquestionably; indubitably
(निस्संदेह) unquestionably; without doubt; certainly

Spelling Word: undoubtedly
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(असहज) not easy; difficult; restless; disturbed by pain, anxiety

Spelling Word: uneasy
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(अशांति) sleeplessness; uneasiness; state of trouble, confusion and turbulence, especially in a political context

Spelling Word: unrest
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n. Syn. diversity; assortment; selection
(विविधता) diversity; quality or condition of being various or varied

Spelling Word: variety
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(शाकाहारी) someone who doesn't eat meat or fish usually for religious or moral reasons

Spelling Word: vegetarian
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v. Syn. freshen; aerate
(हवादार) freshen; circulate through and freshen

Spelling Word: ventilate
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n. Syn. border; edge
(कगार) extreme edge or margin; border; enclosing boundary; space enclosed by such a boundary

Spelling Word: verge
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a. Syn. flexible; pliable
(बहुमुखी) having many talents; capable of working in many fields

Spelling Word: versatile
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(निपुण) acquainted through study or experience; knowledgeable or skilled

Spelling Word: versed
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a. Syn. bright; lively
(ज्वलंत) bright; lively; graphic; having striking color

Spelling Word: vivid