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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 10 |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
burly |
a. [억센] husky; muscular and heavily built That was 25 years ago, but I still recall the burly driver eying me in the rear-view mirror as we idled at a red light on Michigan Avenue. |
New Known Review |
cache |
n. [캐시] hiding place; secret store of valuables or money The detectives followed the suspect until he led them to the cache where he had stored his loot. |
New Known Review |
cadaver |
n. [시신] corpse; dead body, especially one intended for dissection In some states, it is illegal to dissect cadaver. |
New Known Review |
calculated |
a. [계산] deliberately planned; carefully thought out in advance Her conventional suit was one calculated to appeal to the conservative judges. |
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New Known Review |
callous |
a. [무정] emotionally hardened; unfeeling; toughened He had worked in the hospital for so many years that he was callous to the suffering in the wards. |
New Known Review |
camouflage |
v. [위장] exploit natural surroundings to disguise something; conceal To rescue Han Solo, Princess Leia decided to camouflage herself in the helmet and cloak of a space bandit. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
canine |
a. [개과] related to dogs; dog-like; affecting or derived from dogs They will then incubate the viruses in canine tissue cells to see how well they grow. |
New Known Review |
cant |
n. [캔트] inclination or slope; slanted or oblique surface; jargon, especially of thieves; dialect I strayed from my own voice and slipped into jargon, cant, or false sentiment. |
New Known Review |
capacity |
n. [용량] mental or physical ability; ability to accommodate Mike had the capacity to handle several jobs at once. |
New Known Review |
caprice |
n. [카프리스] sudden, unexpected fancy; impulsive change of mind Some revolutions may have originated in caprice or generated in ambition. |
New Known Review |
caption |
n. [자막] title; chapter heading; text under illustration We got a caption error in The Far Side cartoons shown yesterday. |
New Known Review |
carat |
n. [캐럿] unit of weight for precious stones; a measure of fineness of gold He gave her a three carat diamond mounted in a gold band. |
New Known Review |
cardinal |
a. [추기경] chief; serving as an essential component If you want to increase your word power, the cardinal rule of vocabulary-building is to read. |
New Known Review |
cardiologist |
n. [심장] the doctor who specializes in medical problems related to heart When the physician noticed Philip had a slight heart murmur, she referred him to a cardiologist for further tests. |
New Known Review |
carnage |
n. [대학살] destruction of life; the savage and excessive killing of many people The film The Killing Fields vividly depicts the carnage wreaked by Pol Pot's followers in Cambodia. |