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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 1 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 4 |
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amoral |
a. [도덕에 관계없는] lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong Compared with evil immorality, being amoral is more like being naughty. |
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New Known Review |
New Known Review |
analogy |
n. [비유] the similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity This analogy is almost always noted without further comment, although it may be taken further. |
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New Known Review |
anchor |
v. [앵커] secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; narrate or coordinate We set the post in concrete to anchor it in place. |
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New Known Review |
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anesthetic |
n. [마취] a substance that causes loss of sensation; producing temporary loss or impairment of feeling His monotonous voice acted as an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep. |
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anguish |
n. [가입하다] agonizing physical or mental pain; extreme suffering Visiting the explosion site, the governor wept to see the anguish of the victims and their families. |
New Known Review |
animated |
a. [애니메이션] having life or vigor or spirit; filled with activity; in the form of cartoon On entering his room, I found Holmes in animated conversation with two men. |
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New Known Review |
annex |
v. [별관] append or attach; take possession of; incorporate into an existing political unit Mexico objected to the United States' attempts to annex the territory that later became Texas. |
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New Known Review |
anonymity |
n. [익명] state of being nameless; one that is unknown or unacknowledged In my view, death in anonymity is the ultimate insult to human dignity. |
New Known Review |
anonymous |
a. [익명] having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name The buyer, who wished to remain anonymous, is a foreigner with homes in Europe. |
New Known Review |
anthem |
n. [빈약한 닦지] song of praise or patriotism; the song of devotion or loyalty Let us now all join in singing the national anthem. |