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3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[密封的,气密的] sealed by fusion so as to be airtight | |
[好辩的] argumentative; fond of arguing; inclined to dispute | |
[无脊椎的,无脊椎动物] animal, such as an insect that lacks backbone or spinal column | |
[打油诗] poor verse; of crude or irregular construction |
[性格外向的人] a person interested mostly in external objects and actions | |
[子女的] having or assuming relationship of child or offspring to parent | |
[卸下,流出] discharge; release liquid in drops or small quantities | |
[废物,弥漫的臭味] waste; foul-smelling outflow or vapor |
[卸下,流出] discharge; release liquid in drops or small quantities | |
[狂乱的] madly excited; in a state of hurry, panic, or wild activity | |
[阐明] speak distinctly; state or set forth precisely or systematically; pronounce; articulate | |
[使混乱,使迷惑] confuse; hot and rosy, as with drinking; be in a heat or bustle; be agitated |
[公平的] impartial; fair; rightly balanced; equitable | |
[掠过] fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by | |
[使起斑点] spot; make spot or mark onto; mark with small spots | |
[高兴,兴高采烈] rejoice; feel extreme happiness |
[性格外向的人] a person interested mostly in external objects and actions | |
[掠过] fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by | |
[子女的] having or assuming relationship of child or offspring to parent | |
[订正,校正] correct; improve by critical editing; free from fault; alter for the better |
[使起斑点] spot; make spot or mark onto; mark with small spots | |
[小心翼翼地] with great care or delicacy; cautiously | |
[高兴,兴高采烈] rejoice; feel extreme happiness | |
[好辩的] argumentative; fond of arguing; inclined to dispute |
[阐明] speak distinctly; state or set forth precisely or systematically; pronounce; articulate | |
[美食者,享乐主义者] a person with refined taste, especially in food and wine | |
[掠过] fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by | |
[不可战胜的,不能克服的] impossible to overcome; unbeatable |
[使混乱,使迷惑] confuse; hot and rosy, as with drinking; be in a heat or bustle; be agitated | |
[美食者,享乐主义者] a person with refined taste, especially in food and wine | |
[穷困的] poor; experiencing want or need; impoverished | |
[非常糟糕的] very bad; extremely inferiorl; intolerable; very hateful |
[美食者,享乐主义者] a person with refined taste, especially in food and wine | |
[打油诗] poor verse; of crude or irregular construction | |
[疯狂的,狂热的] excessively agitated; transported with rage or other violent emotion | |
[打击,挑战] dispute or contradict, often in an insulting way; challenge |
[无法移动,不可移动的] quality of not moving; remaining in place | |
[打击,挑战] dispute or contradict, often in an insulting way; challenge | |
[不和谐的(声音)] discord; disagreeable sounds; a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds | |
[俭省节约] thrift; prudent economy; sparing use |