Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 2 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[措辭巧妙的,精巧的] apt; suitably expressed; well chosen | |
[使焦慮,使難受] make uneasy or anxious; trouble | |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
[公允的] not interested; indifferent; free of self-interest; impartial |
[慢無目的的,斷斷續續的] aimless; haphazard; at random; not connected with the subject | |
[盅惑] deceive mind or judgment of; lead from truth or into error; frustrate or disappoint | |
[祖先,祖宗] a person from whom you are descended | |
[措辭巧妙的,精巧的] apt; suitably expressed; well chosen |
[作為典型,具體化] serve as an example of; embody | |
[一般性] quality of being general; an idea having general application | |
[休假] leave of absence; vacation granted a soldier or civil servant | |
[使焦慮,使難受] make uneasy or anxious; trouble |
[閒人,雄蜂] idle person; male bee; someone who takes more time than necessary | |
[祖先,祖宗] a person from whom you are descended | |
[大量的,巨大的] massive; bulky; great in size | |
[障礙物] something that holds back or causes problems with something else; obstacle |
[過分高興的,興高采烈] overjoyed; extremely happy and excited | |
[渣滓,廢物] waste or impure matter; worthless, commonplace, or trivial matter | |
[不同,差距] difference; condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree | |
[及其誇張] excessively exacting; inclined to judge too severely |
[有識別能力的,有偏見的] able to see differences; showing careful judgment or fine taste | |
[迸出,驚嘆] act of throwing or shooting out; darting or casting forth; uttering of exclamations, or of brief exclamatory phrases | |
[貧嘴] talking much and repetition of unimportant or trivial details | |
[及其誇張] excessively exacting; inclined to judge too severely |
[貧嘴] talking much and repetition of unimportant or trivial details | |
[巨大的,嚴重的,極惡劣] hugeness in a bad sense; the act of extreme evil or wickedness | |
[充足的,容易完成的,膚淺的] done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; ready or fluent | |
[使焦慮,使難受] make uneasy or anxious; trouble |
[喚起的] tending to call up emotions, memories | |
[貧嘴] talking much and repetition of unimportant or trivial details | |
[有識別能力的,有偏見的] able to see differences; showing careful judgment or fine taste | |
[想像的] existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real |
[安樂死] the practice of ending the life of hopelessly ill individuals; assisted suicide | |
[閒人,雄蜂] idle person; male bee; someone who takes more time than necessary | |
[想像的] existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real | |
[過度的] greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; exceeding proper limits |
[(發表長篇演講來)阻撓法案通過] block legislation by making long speeches | |
[措辭巧妙的,精巧的] apt; suitably expressed; well chosen | |
[得出] draw out; bring forth or to light; generate or provoke as response or answer | |
[作為典型,具體化] serve as an example of; embody |