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 3000 Level 3 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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n. [抗议] expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, and especially formal statement of grievances

Spelling Word: remonstrance
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n. [生搬硬套,死记硬背] memorizing process using routine or repetition; the sound of surf breaking on the shore

Spelling Word: rote
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v. [讽刺,讽刺地描写,讥讽描述] make object of satire; attack with satire; censure with keenness or severe sarcasm.

Spelling Word: satirize
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n. [专家,学者] scholar; man of learning or science; one eminent for learning

Spelling Word: savant
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a. [勤奋的,勤勤恳恳的] diligent; hardworking; persevering, and constant in effort or application

Spelling Word: sedulous
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v. [插入鞘] enclose with a protective covering; encase; cover-up or hide

Spelling Word: sheathe
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v. [淤泥,淤沙,沉渣] mud, clay, or small rocks deposited by river or lake

Spelling Word: silt
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n. [闲职,报纸茶水的工作] well-paid position with little responsibility

Spelling Word: sinecure
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a. [匆促的] haphazard; careless; done hastily

Spelling Word: slapdash
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a. [不整洁的,慢吞吞的,漫不经心的] untidy or slovenly; shabby; great carelessness; done poorly or too quickly

Spelling Word: slipshod