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Level 5 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 12 |
New Known Review |
cryptic |
a. [загадочное] having hidden meaning; mystifying; using code or cipher Here are a couple of verses written in cryptic rhyme from some of my currently published books. |
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cumulative |
a. [совокупный] increasing by successive addition Vocabulary building is a cumulative process: as you go through your flashcards, you will add new words to your vocabulary, one by one. |
New Known Review |
curb |
v. [обуздать] bend or curve; guide and manage, or restrain Paradoxically, Ray's strong-arming may be helping to curb violence in Bangalore. |
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New Known Review |
cynical |
a. [циничным] skeptical of motives of others; selfishly calculating; negative or pessimistic I find it sad and cynical that this guy is essentially saying things will not be better by 2012. |
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deceit |
n. [обман] attempt or disposition to deceive or lead into error; any declaration that misleads another to believe a false thing His deceit is disgusting; he took everybody in! |
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decipher |
v. [расшифровать] convert code into ordinary language; read with difficulty Lacking his codebook, the spy could not decipher the scrambled message sent to him from the KGB. |
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declivity |
n. [склоне] downward slope, as of a hill The children loved to ski down the declivity. |
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dedicate |
v. [посвятить] set apart for a deity or special purposes; devote; consecrate She decided to dedicate her first book to her husband. |
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deem |
v. [счесть] decide; judge; sentence; condemn I am simply going to keep looking forward and do what I deem is right. |
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define |
v. [определить] determine the nature of; give a definition; describe the nature or basic qualities of; explain That argument may define the political parties and help shape the 2012 elections. |
New Known Review |
defraud |
v. [обмануть] deprive of some right, interest, or property, by a deceitful device Are you saying that Socialism Welfare states don't defraud, mislead, and embezzle? |
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New Known Review |
degenerate |
v. [вырождаться] become worse; decline; fall Not appear to disgrace his family, degenerate from the popular qualities, or lose the influence. |