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Level 5 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 2 |
New Known Review |
agency |
n. [Агентство] a business that serves other businesses; an administrative unit of government The FDA press office tells me the agency is aware of the incident and is currently investigating. |
New Known Review |
aghast |
a. [ужас] struck by shock, terror, or amazement The film grabs you by the throat so that any feeling of being aghast is contained – and you hold on to that feeling up to the very last scene. |
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New Known Review |
aisle |
n. [прохода] passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane; the wing of a building I am glad that one side of the aisle is still trying to make this country work. |
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New Known Review |
albeit |
ad. [хотя] even though; although; notwithstanding This question bothers me, albeit from a different perspective. |
New Known Review |
allegiance |
n. [верность] loyalty to a nation, sovereign, or cause; fidelity to any person or thing; devotion They didn't want to salute the flag, saying that kind of allegiance is only for God. |
New Known Review |
alleviate |
v. [облегчения] provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part This should alleviate the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger drugs. |
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New Known Review |
allot |
v. [выделить] parcel out in parts or portions; distribute to each individual concerned; assign as a share or lot Who will she allot the easy jobs to? |
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ambiguous |
a. [неоднозначное] unclear or doubtful in meaning His ambiguous instructions misled us; we did not know which road to take. |
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New Known Review |
amiable |
a. [любезный] good-natured and likable; lovable; warmly friendly In Little Women, Beth is the amiable daughter whose loving disposition endears her to all who know her. |
New Known Review |
amicable |
a. [дружественных] exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; not quarrelsome Beth's sister Jo is the hot-tempered tomboy who has difficulty maintaining amicable relations with those around her. |
New Known Review |
amiss |
a. [добро] out of proper order; not in perfect shape; faulty I knew that weapons would not come in amiss, and I re-entered his room to get his rifle and shot-gun. |
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New Known Review |
amorous |
a. [любовный] moved by sexual love; loving 'Love them and leave them' was the motto of the amorous Don Juan. |