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/æk'si:d/ v. Syn. agree; assent; concede
(콩코드) agree; give consent, often at insistence of another; concede

Spelling Word: accede
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/əd'mɒnɪʃ/ v. Syn. warn; reprove
(타이르다) warn; counsel someone against something to be avoided

Spelling Word: admonish
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/'ædvəsərɪ/ n. Syn. opponent; contestant
(적수) opponent in contest; someone who offers opposition

Spelling Word: adversary
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/i:s'θɛtɪk/ a. Syn. artistic; elegant
(미학) elegant or tasteful; of or concerning appreciation of beauty or good taste

Spelling Word: aesthetic
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/'eɪlɪəneɪt/ v. Syn. estrange; transfer; separate
(이간) cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally

Spelling Word: alienate
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/æprə'beɪʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. approval
(허가) expression of warm approval; praise

Spelling Word: approbation
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/ærɪs'tɒkrəsɪ/ n.
(귀족) hereditary nobility; privileged class

Spelling Word: aristocracy
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/bɪ'nɛvələnt/ a. Syn. generous; charitable
(자비로운) generous in providing aid to others; charitable

Spelling Word: benevolent
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/'blændɪʃmənt/ n. Syn. flattery
(추종) flattery; speech or action expressive of affection or kindness, and tending to win the heart

Spelling Word: blandishment
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/bju:'kɒlɪk/ a. Syn. rustic; pastoral
(목자) rustic; pastoral; agricultural; relating to country affairs, or to shepherd's life and occupation

Spelling Word: bucolic