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/'ɛpɪθɛt/ n.
(별명) word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing

Spelling Word: epithet
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/ɪ'rætɪk/ a. Syn. odd; unpredictable
(엉뚱한) no fixed or regular course; wandering

Spelling Word: erratic
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/ɛkspə'zɪʃ(ə)n/ n.
(박람회) exhibition; part of a play that provides the background information; opening section of a fugue

Spelling Word: exposition
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/ɛks'treɪnɪəs/ a.
(외부) not essential; coming from outside

Spelling Word: extraneous
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/fə'si:ʃəs/ a. Syn. humorous
(우스운) joking ,often inappropriately; humorous

Spelling Word: facetious
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/'fi:zɪb(ə)l/ a. Syn. practical; possible; suitable
(가능) capable of being accomplished or brought about

Spelling Word: feasible
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/flɔ:nt/ v.
(과시) display proudly or shamelessly; show oneself off

Spelling Word: flaunt
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/dʒaɪb/ v. Syn. mock
(비웃음) mock; laugh at with contempt and derision

Spelling Word: gibe
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/grɪ'gɛərɪəs/ a. Syn. sociable
(군생) sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others

Spelling Word: gregarious
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/haɪ'pɜrbəlɪ/ n. Syn. exaggeration; overstatement
(hyperbole) figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis; overstatement

Spelling Word: hyperbole