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/'i:dɪkt/ n.
(勅令) decree ,especially issued by a sovereign; official command

Spelling Word: edict
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/ɪ'lɪsɪt/ v. Syn. provoke
(引き出す) draw out; bring forth or to light; generate or provoke as response or answer

Spelling Word: elicit
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/'ɛksədəs/ n. Syn. departure
(脱出) departure of a large number of people

Spelling Word: exodus
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/ɛk'splɔɪt/ v.
(利用) make use of, sometimes unjustly

Spelling Word: exploit
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/ɪk'stɪŋkt/ a. Syn. nonexistent; vanished; dead
(絶滅) no longer existing or living; vanished; dead

Spelling Word: extinct
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/feɪn/ v. Syn. pretend; disguise; conceal
(装う) make false appearance of; disguise; conceal; invent or imagine

Spelling Word: feign
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/fə'lɪsɪtəs/ a. Syn. apt
(幸福な) apt; suitably expressed; well chosen

Spelling Word: felicitous
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/dʒi:nɪ'ælədʒɪ/ n. Syn. lineage
(系譜を) account or history of descent of person or family from ancestor; lineage

Spelling Word: genealogy
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/'glʌt(ə)n/ n.
(食いしん坊) person who eats too much food and drink

Spelling Word: glutton
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/'gɒsəmə(r)/ a.
(クモの糸) sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous

Spelling Word: gossamer