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/mi:dɪ'oʊkə(r)/ a. Syn. ordinary; commonplace; average
(平凡な) moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary; commonplace

Spelling Word: mediocre
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/'maɪkrəkɒz(ə)m/ n.
(小宇宙) small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something

Spelling Word: microcosm
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/'mɪmɪk/ v. Syn. imitate; copy
(模倣) copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression

Spelling Word: mimic
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/nə'stældʒə/ n. Syn. homesickness
(ノスタルジー) homesickness; bittersweet longing for things of past.

Spelling Word: nostalgia
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/ə'blɪvɪəs/ a. Syn. forgetful
(紛失) inattentive or unmindful; lacking all memory; forgetful

Spelling Word: oblivious
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/əb'tru:d/ v.
(出しゃばる) push oneself or one's ideas forward or intrude; stick out or extrude

Spelling Word: obtrude
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/əb'tru:sɪv/ a.
(押し付けがましい) inclined to intrude or thrust one's self or one's opinions upon others; enter uninvited; forward; pushing; intrusive.

Spelling Word: obtrusive
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/'pærəfreɪz/ v. Syn. restate; reword
(言い換え) restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify thought of others

Spelling Word: paraphrase
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/pɛkə'dɪloʊ/ n.
(微罪) slight offense; small sin or fault

Spelling Word: peccadillo
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/'pɛdənt/ n.
(融通が利かない) one who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning

Spelling Word: pedant