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/dɒg'mætɪk/;/dɔ:gmætɪk/ a. Syn. opinionated; doctrinal
(thuộc về giáo lý) stubbornly adhering to insufficiently proven beliefs; inflexible, rigid

Spelling Word: dogmatic
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/'ɛdɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. instruct
(gây dựng) instruct or correct, especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement

Spelling Word: edify
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/ɪ'gri:dʒəs/ a. Syn. notorious
(nghiêm trọng) notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking

Spelling Word: egregious
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/ɒn'wi:/ n.
(sự buồn bực) feeling of being bored by something tedious

Spelling Word: ennui
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/'ɛru:daɪt/ a. Syn. learned; scholarly
(uyên bác) learned; scholarly, with emphasis on knowledge gained from books

Spelling Word: erudite
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/ɛg'zɒtɪk/ a. Syn. strange
(lạ) from another part of the world; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual

Spelling Word: exotic
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/ɛks'treɪnɪəs/ a.
(không liên quan) not essential; coming from outside

Spelling Word: extraneous
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/'fæð(ə)m/ v.
(sải) measure the depth; come to understand

Spelling Word: fathom
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/'fætjʊəs/ a. Syn. foolish
(dại) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way

Spelling Word: fatuous
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/fɪ'æskoʊ/ n.
(thất bại) complete failure; sudden and violent collapse

Spelling Word: fiasco