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/'gɒsəmə(r)/ a.
(sa) sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous

Spelling Word: gossamer
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/hə'ræŋ/ n.
(đọc diển văn trước đám đông) noisy speech; speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression

Spelling Word: harangue
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/'hɑrbɪndʒə(r)/ n. Syn. forerunner
(báo hiệu) forerunner; an indication of approach of something or someone

Spelling Word: harbinger
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/haɪ'eɪtəs/ n. Syn. gap; pause
(gián đoạn) gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause

Spelling Word: hiatus
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/ɪm'pɛkəb(ə)l/ a. Syn. faultless; perfect
(hoàn hảo) faultless; incapable of sin or wrongdoing

Spelling Word: impeccable
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/'ɪnfərəns/ n.
(suy luận) inferring by deduction or induction; truth or proposition drawn from another which is admitted or supposed to be true; conclusion; deduction

Spelling Word: inference
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/ɪn'skru:təb(ə)l/ a. Syn. impenetrable; mysterious
(khó hiểu) impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious

Spelling Word: inscrutable
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/'ɪnstɪgeɪt/ v. Syn. urge; incite; provoke
(kích động) goad or urge forward; provoke; incite

Spelling Word: instigate
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/'læbərɪnθ/ n. Syn. maze
(mê cung) maze; complex structure of interconnecting passages

Spelling Word: labyrinth
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/'lækrɪmoʊs/ a.
(rơi lệ) weeping or inclined to weep; tearful; showing sorrow

Spelling Word: lachrymose