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/'maɪkrəkɒz(ə)m/ n.
(vi mô) small, representative system having analogies to larger system; miniature model of something

Spelling Word: microcosm
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/'mɪsənθroʊp/ n.
(người chán đời) one who hates or mistrusts mankind

Spelling Word: misanthrope
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/'mɒt(ə)ld/ a. Syn. spotted
(đốm) spotted with different shades or colors

Spelling Word: mottled
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/'mɜrkɪ/ a. Syn. vague
(âm u) dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague

Spelling Word: murky
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/'nɔ:tɪk(ə)l/ a. Syn. marine; maritime; naval
(hải lý) relating to ships, sailors, or navigation

Spelling Word: nautical
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/'pærədɪ/ n.
(nhại) work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; make fun of

Spelling Word: parody
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/'pɛnsɪv/ a. Syn. contemplative
(trầm ngâm) deeply, often dreamily thoughtful; engaged in serious thought or reflection; contemplative

Spelling Word: pensive
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/prɪ'sɪpɪtəs/ a. Syn. steep; overhasty
(precipitous) extremely steep; descending rapidly, or rushing onward

Spelling Word: precipitous
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/proʊ'kræstɪneɪt/ v. Syn. postpone
(trì hoãn) postpone or delay needlessly; put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness

Spelling Word: procrastinate
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/prɒk'sɪmɪtɪ/ n. Syn. nearness; adjacency
(gần) state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation

Spelling Word: proximity