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/'mɪsənθroʊp/ n.
(عدو الانسان) one who hates or mistrusts mankind

Spelling Word: misanthrope
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/əb'tru:d/ v.
(تطفل) push oneself or one's ideas forward or intrude; stick out or extrude

Spelling Word: obtrude
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/pænə'sɪə/ n.
(الدواء الشافي) remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all

Spelling Word: panacea
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/'pærədɒks/ n. Syn. contradiction
(مفارقة) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct

Spelling Word: paradox
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/'pærədɪ/ n.
(محاكاة ساخرة) work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; make fun of

Spelling Word: parody
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/prɪ'kɛərɪəs/ a. Syn. uncertain; risky
(محفوفة بالمخاطر) uncertain; risky; dangerously lacking in security or stability

Spelling Word: precarious
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/prɛ'sti:ʒ/ n. Syn. fame; reputation
(هيبة) impression produced by achievements or reputation; recognized distinction or importance

Spelling Word: prestige
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/prɪ'zʌmpʃ(ə)n/ n.
(وقت الاختبار) act of presuming, or believing upon probable evidence; act of assuming; belief upon incomplete proof

Spelling Word: presumption
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/prɒg'noʊsɪs/ n. Syn. forecast; prediction
(التشخيص) forecasted course of a disease; forecast or prediction; likelihood of recovery from a disease

Spelling Word: prognosis
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/rækɒn'tə:(r)/ n. Syn. storyteller
(راو) storyteller; one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit

Spelling Word: raconteur