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/'sætəlaɪt/ n. Syn. subordinate
(القنوات الفضائية) small body revolving around a larger one; subordinate

Spelling Word: satellite
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/'skru:tɪnaɪz/;/-tənaɪz/ v.
(التدقيق) examine closely and critically

Spelling Word: scrutinize
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/'sɪnɪstə(r)/ a. Syn. evil
(تري الشريرة) suggesting or threatening evil

Spelling Word: sinister
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/sɒpə'rɪfɪk/ a.
(منوم) sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness

Spelling Word: soporific
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/spɜrn/ v. Syn. reject; scorn
(ازدراء) reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn

Spelling Word: spurn
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/'sʌltrɪ/ a.
(قائظ) burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot

Spelling Word: sultry
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/'tændʒɪb(ə)l/ a. Syn. real; palpable
(ملموس) able to be touched; real or concrete; palpable

Spelling Word: tangible
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/tɪ'mɛrɪtɪ/ n. Syn. boldness; rashness
(تهور) boldness; rashness; foolhardy disregard of danger

Spelling Word: temerity
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/'tɛmpər(ə)l/ a. Syn. secular
(الزمنية) not lasting forever; limited by time; secular or civil; of material world; worldly

Spelling Word: temporal
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/'tɛmpəraɪz/ v.
(ماطل) act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision

Spelling Word: temporize