Group (5) - Spelling Practices

(1) /'mɪsənθroʊp/ n. one who hates or mistrusts mankind
(2) /mɪs'noʊmə(r)/ n. error in naming person or place; name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object
(3) /ə'blɪvɪən/ n. Syn. amnestycondition or quality of being completely forgotten; official overlooking of offenses; amnesty
(4) /ɒ'stɛnsɪb(ə)l/ a. Syn. apparentput forth or held out as real, actual, or intended; proper or intended to be shown
(5) /'ɒstrəsaɪz/ v. Syn. banexclude from community or group; banish by popular vote
(6) /pɪ'kju:nɪərɪ/ a. relating to money; requiring payment of money
(7) /pɪ'dəntɪk/ a. Syn. bookishmarked by narrow focus on or display of learning, especially formal rules and trivial points
(8) /plɪ'bi:ən/ a. crude or coarse; unrefined or coarse in nature or manner; common or vulgar
(9) /'prɛlju:d/ n. Syn. introduction; forerunnerintroduction; forerunner; preliminary or preface
(10) /'pju:nɪtɪv/ a. Syn. punishingpunishing; involving punishment; awarding or inflicting punishment