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/ru:/ v. Syn. regret; lament; mourn
feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for; mourn

Spelling Word: rue
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/'sɪnɪstə(r)/ a. Syn. evil
suggesting or threatening evil

Spelling Word: sinister
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/stju:'pɛndəs/;/stu:-/ a.
astonishing; wonderful; amazing, especially, astonishing in magnitude or elevation

Spelling Word: stupendous
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/'sʌltrɪ/ a.
burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot

Spelling Word: sultry
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/'tæntəmaʊnt/ a.
equivalent in effect or value

Spelling Word: tantamount
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/tɔ:nt/ v.
reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner; make fun of , often in an aggressive manner

Spelling Word: taunt
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/'tɛmpəraɪz/ v.
act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision

Spelling Word: temporize
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/'trɪvɪəl/ a. Syn. unimportant; trifling; commonplace
unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace

Spelling Word: trivial
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/ju:'bɪkwɪtəs/ a. Syn. omnipresent
being or existing everywhere; omnipresent

Spelling Word: ubiquitous
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/ʌn'tɛnəb(ə)l/ a. Syn. indefensible
indefensible; not able to be maintained

Spelling Word: untenable