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(소유권) brochure; leaflet; a small book usually having a paper cover

Spelling Word: pamphlet
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n. Syn. speck; grain
(입자) a tiny piece of anything

Spelling Word: particle
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a. Syn. special; characteristic
(특이한) special; characteristic; unusual; odd; bizarre

Spelling Word: peculiar
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(기간) duration, continuance, term; end of something

Spelling Word: period
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a. Syn. repeated; recurrent
(정기) repeated; recurring at intervals of time

Spelling Word: periodic
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v. Syn. clutch; squeeze
(꼬집어) clutch; squeeze between the thumb and a finger, the jaws of a tool, or other edges

Spelling Word: pinch
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(청원) request for help; excuse or pretext

Spelling Word: plea
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n. Syn. indigence; destitution
(빈곤) lack of money; state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts

Spelling Word: poverty
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n. Syn. privilege
(특권) privilege; unquestionable right; exclusive power to command

Spelling Word: prerogative
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v. Syn. uphold; retain; maintain
(보존) uphold; retain; maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm

Spelling Word: preserve