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(전자) of or pertaining to an electron or electrons.

Spelling Word: electronic
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v. Syn. humiliate; shame
(당황하게) humiliate; shame; cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert

Spelling Word: embarrass
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(대사관) diplomatic building where ambassadors live or work; diplomatic representatives headed by an ambassador

Spelling Word: embassy
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n. Syn. costume
(앙상블) union of parts in a whole; a coordinated outfit or costume; a coordinated set of furniture

Spelling Word: ensemble
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(열정) great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause; feeling of excitement

Spelling Word: enthusiasm
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n. Syn. admission; entrance
(항목) admission; entrance; item inserted in a written record

Spelling Word: entry
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n. Syn. proof; testimony
(증거) something which makes evident or manifest; any mode of proof

Spelling Word: evidence
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(내장을 들어낸) take away a vital or essential part of

Spelling Word: eviscerate
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a. Syn. extraordinary; unusual
(예외) extraordinary; unusual; well above average

Spelling Word: exceptional
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a. Syn. extra; surplus
(초과) amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; surplus

Spelling Word: excess