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ad. Syn. by chance; accidentally
(tình cờ) by chance; accidentally

Spelling Word: incidentally
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a. Syn. suggestive; implying
(chỉ mang tính) suggestive; implying; serving to indicate

Spelling Word: indicative
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a. Syn. understandable; comprehensible
(dễ hiểu) understandable; clear to the mind

Spelling Word: intelligible
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v. Syn. prickle; annoy; provoke
(kích thích) rouse to impatience or anger; annoy; provoke

Spelling Word: irritate
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(lót) vessel belonging to a regular line of packets, as ship or plane

Spelling Word: liner
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(huy chương) a piece of metal in form of coin, and intended to preserve remembrance of notable event or person, or to serve as a reward

Spelling Word: medal
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(vâng lời) subject in will or act to authority; willing to obey; submissive to restraint, control, or command

Spelling Word: obedient
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(lắc) a body suspended from fixed point as to swing freely to and fro by the alternate action of gravity and momentum

Spelling Word: pendulum
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n. Syn. placard
(poster) sign posted in public place as an advertisement

Spelling Word: poster
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(trình bày) show or display; act of presenting something to sight or view

Spelling Word: presentation